Today marks the day I will no longer argue politics with people who get their news from MTV and hip-hop ringtones. I won't bother them with statistics and history. I'll remain quiet when I overhear someone bashing conservatives for having a belief system that dictates their vote, because honestly, the ignorance in that argument will drive me to suicide.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Miseducation of A Nation
Today marks the day I will no longer argue politics with people who get their news from MTV and hip-hop ringtones. I won't bother them with statistics and history. I'll remain quiet when I overhear someone bashing conservatives for having a belief system that dictates their vote, because honestly, the ignorance in that argument will drive me to suicide.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Acorn is nuts
Fortunately, for us fans of crash-n-burn politics that's not the case. The newest scandal that the Obama camp has been linked to is Barack's connection to the community organizer group, ACORN. Most people have no clue what is going on, because, as always, the mainstream media is more fascinated with Tina Fey's impressions of Sarah Palin than real news.
ACORN, as they describe themselves on their website:
"For almost a decade, ACORN, a community organization of 400,000 families in neighborhoods across the country, has been fighting against the predatory lending practices that have robbed our members of their homes, destabilized neighborhoods, and roiled the global economy." Naturally, everyone on the left, blames the Bush Administration for the economic crisis. And everyone on the right blames the Democrats in Congress lack of oversight and eager pursuance of more minority homeowners as the cause for the mortgage meltdown.
That aside, a group like ACORN, who considers themselves a:
"(ACORN is) a non-profit, non-partisan social justice organization with national headquarters in New York, New Orleans and Washington, D.C."
Yet, after John McCain blasted ACORN for lobbying Congress for more low-income homeowner loans and blaming them for the mortgage crisis, ACORN has posted their "non-partisan" response:
"Unfortunately, the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans like John McCain have blocked the sensible regulations that ACORN and others proposed that would have averted the mortgage meltdown. If John McCain thinks that community organizers caused the foreclosure crisis, he knows even less about the economy than previously thought.
"John McCain and the Republicans are desperately trying to shift the blame for the economic crisis they caused with a philosophy of deregulation and indifference to homeowners. All the grainy footage and creepy music in the world can't cancel out some simple, basic facts, and the facts about the economy are not on John McCain's side."
Well done ACORN. Have fun in court.
Here's the story about them being actively investigated for voter fraud in OHIO.
Wake up Obama fans. The guy is shady. You look ridiculous following him.
Please go look @ the ACORN website and tell me that links to the DAILYKOS is not a partisan connection.
These organizations are bad for our country!
Signing off
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Sarah Palin Uproar

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
I Think Campaign Contribution Refunds are In Order
Well it's finally official. After a month or so of rumors and TMZ like stories, John Edwards has come clean with news of his affair. Read the story on for yourself. I'm not going to take easy-street and bash this idiot, but I felt it was my duty to bring it to light for you faithful readers.,2933,400481,00.html
What's really sad for the Democratic party is that this was their poster-boy for family values and such. So far he and Spitzer have really shined as leaders on the left. I'll do a more in depth analyisis and opinion piece later this weekend.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
A Vote for No One
When I look at this year's Presidential candidates, I don't see two men campaigning to lead. I see two politicians trying not to lose. I don't see two campaigns inspiring Americans to make a choice of new directions and old political rhetoric, I see two parties trying to differentiate themselves from one another by pointing to each others flaws. I also don't see the position of President of the United States as a position of honor, respect, and immense dignity. I see the role of Commander in Chief as a setup for SNL punchlines.
When I think about the great leaders of this country in the days before politics was regarded as a
These two men are the best this country has to offer? These two men, individually or collectively, represent our America? The future of this great country should be in the hands of men whose beliefs are in direct relation with poll results? The House of Representatives is comprised of people who act on behalf of the individual citizens of this country, The President is meant to lead and command for the good of the nation, not for his popularity polls. How can a President lead if he is following? How can we believe in a President who doesn't, he himself, believe in America? How are we supposed to trust a President that spends the bulk of his campaign explaining his actions and apologizing for the people he surrounds himself with?
I will vote this November, because it is my responsibility as an American. But I will be voting for the candidate that poses the least threat to my way of life. The candidate I am less afraid of. It is truly a sad, sad choice I have to make.
Monday, August 4, 2008
This Vote will have to be Earned. I have no Bumper Stickers.
Why I'm Voting Democrat
I'm voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would. I'm voting Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't. I'm voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're good people.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday CAN tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe discussing Christ in our schools is offensive but atheism, Islam, Buddhism, Occultism & any other religion is OK because these religions are peaceful & Christians are warlike.
I'm voting Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe three or four pointy headed elitist liberals need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would NEVER get their agendas past the voters.
I'm voting Democrat because I believe that when the terrorists don't have to hide from us over there, when they come over here I don't want to have any guns in the house to fight them off with.
(i was forwarded this in an email....)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Hope and Pocket Change
Basically, the public campaign finance system limits each candidate to a budget of $85 million during the presidential campaign from convention time through election day. The money is drawn from a pool of $3 donations taxpayers donate when filing their income taxes.
::As explained by
What is the Presidential Public Financing System?
In short, the presidential public financing system allows presidential candidates the option to receive public funds for their campaign if they can fulfill certain qualifications and abide by spending limits.
What is its purpose?
The primary purpose of the fund is to reduce the role of large amounts of private money raised in the presidential campaign and the obligations that are, or can appear to be, associated with those contributions.
The system was created in the 1970's in response to the Watergate scandals that surrounded the Nixon re-election campaign when his campaign committee was found to have illegally received hundreds of thousands of dollars from some of the country's largest corporations. Congress responded by passing sweeping campaign finance reform, which included the presidential public financing system designed to minimize a candidate's dependence on donations from wealthy special interests.
But the presidential public financing system isn't just designed to stop corruption, or the appearance of corruption. It is also designed to increase competition for candidates who may not have a broad network of large contributors or a large amount of personal wealth, as well as free up time to allow candidates to get their message out to voters instead of constantly raising money."
Basically Obama claims he wants to raise the money in small donations online instead of spending a measly $85 million already donated. Why would he want to do this? Well, because here are the numbers thus far raised by presidential candidates,
HMMMM I wonder if Obama always felt this way about public financing???????
In January 2007, Sen. Obama criticized Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for opting out of public financing for the primary season. In February, responding to a questionnaire, he pledged to remain in the public-financing system as long as his Republican opponent agreed to a "fund-raising truce" for the general election.)
WOW WHAT A SHOCKER!!!!Obama go back on his word?
Yeah, Obama plans on outspending McCain.
So, much for Hope and Change, and new Washington.For those of you looking to Obama for change in Washington this November, do your homework.
Communism looks good on paper too.
*****UPDATE (08/07/08): the youtube vids above no longer work..... hmmmmmm.... democrats working hard on their internet skills!!!!************
Charles Drengberg
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Harry Reid-tard the Tax-Master!!!
I usually get my political news from the same media outlets as all of you, but I've now decided that I'll just do all my own research before blogging anything about legislation. The NY Times reported on yesterday's vote as if the Republicans are just protecting oil companies interests, and the Democrats are trying to help ease the American peoples' struggle with a national average of $4 a gallon at the pump. Unbiased news is somewhere between unicorns and Kobe Bryant being faithful to his wife, non-existent and borderline comical.
In reality any college sophomore that passed Econ 101, or Macroeconomics as it's better referred to, could explain to you why putting a windfall tax on the oil companies would only make gasoline more expensive and not cheaper. Oil companies explore, find, transport, refine, and provide a commodity that every single American needs on a daily basis. If our Government raises the taxes those companies have to pay, they will have to in turn raise the price of their product to maintain a successful business. Not to mention that the money the government takes will surely be spent on everything but what they intend on spending it on which is alternative fuel research.
My biggest problem with all of this back-n-forth bill proposals and grandstanding testimonies is that the only people losing are us. Not the oil companies, not political leaders, you and me. Oil companies are in the business of making money. If you don't want to buy their product, get a bike, ride the bus, or walk. Until gas reaches a price that's so significant that it forces change nothing will happen.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Pulpit Pandering
On special weekends, Sean's uncle, Father Larry, would take us to other churches sometimes. One in particular was a Baptist Church in what everyone in our town called "the ghetto". Of course being of the fairer persuasion alot of the black kids I knew from school looked at me like I was lost, but quickly realized we were all there for the same reason. They had a wild gospel band and everyone seemed far more energized and animated than other churches I had been to. This was actually a blast to be around. That was one of my very few experiences of a "black church."
Now, there's YouTube, Rev. Wright, and Father Flager. These images and sound clips have been

I'm clearly not voting for Obama anyway, and I personally think his campaign has been a complete mess, but I do want some attention brought to the fact that this guy is the best the Democrats have to offer. A man who sat in a church like that for 20 years married to a woman
I'm no fan of John McCain, but I would vote for anyone marched out there before I vote for someone like Obama. He can thank his worthless church for that. (along with pretty much every political view he claims to be committed to.)
When did it become acceptable to bash America with complete disdain? And who decided that church was the appropriate place to do so? Opposition to government should be constructive criticism, not blind hatred. If these people hate America so much, they can go to Mexico. I'd be willing to grant amnesty to people that love this country just to get rid of those who hate it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Great Quote
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
---Abraham Lincoln
VillaLaRza and His Great Budget Proposal for 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Ooops, He Did It Again!
In the past few days a secret recording of Obama in a meeting with San Fran's key political financial backers, was heard saying this of Pennsylvania's working-class voters;
“It’s not surprising that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment. . . .”
In short, he considers anyone not supporting him in Pennsylvania, bitter, gun-toting bible thumping racists. Good idea buddy. Insult them, that'll work.
Watching Obama and Clinton stick their foots in their proverbial mouths every week has now over-taken watching Red Sox baseball games on my favorite things to do list. I'm amazed at how often a professional speaker (which is all they're really good for) can manage to self-destruct so consistently. I suppose lying can get confusing when you tell different lies everyday.
Here's my advice to Mr. Obama. If you're going to lie, stick with it. Write them down on a notepad. Invest in some post-its and stick them to the podium. Hire Mayor Villarigosa from LA to remember them. He's a pro at lying. Just stop making yourself look like a fool.
And a little note for HIllary, don't be so quick to point out Obama's faults. There might be snipers around. Or not.
Signing off,
Charles Drengberg
Friday, April 11, 2008
Foreclose on Oversight
I'm thinking, let's keep the government out of this. People that make poor decisions, like buying a $750,000 home with no money down on a 10 year adjustable, shouldn't be bailed out because they can no longer afford the payments. They should have to pack it up and move into a crummy apartment and spend the next few years thinking about the choices they make. Trust me, they'll become much wiser in future financial endeavors.