Monday, October 13, 2008

Acorn is nuts

With the election banging at the door, and tensions sky-high about economic reform and the deafening sound of campaign tip-toeing, you would think the news would be dull and political figures and groups would be locking themselves in closets as to not stumble right in front of the finish line.

Fortunately, for us fans of crash-n-burn politics that's not the case. The newest scandal that the Obama camp has been linked to is Barack's connection to the community organizer group, ACORN. Most people have no clue what is going on, because, as always, the mainstream media is more fascinated with Tina Fey's impressions of Sarah Palin than real news.

ACORN, as they describe themselves on their website:

"For almost a decade, ACORN, a community organization of 400,000 families in neighborhoods across the country, has been fighting against the predatory lending practices that have robbed our members of their homes, destabilized neighborhoods, and roiled the global economy."
Naturally, everyone on the left, blames the Bush Administration for the economic crisis. And everyone on the right blames the Democrats in Congress lack of oversight and eager pursuance of more minority homeowners as the cause for the mortgage meltdown.

That aside, a group like ACORN, who considers themselves a:

"(ACORN is) a non-profit, non-partisan social justice organization with national headquarters in New York, New Orleans and Washington, D.C."

Yet, after John McCain blasted ACORN for lobbying Congress for more low-income homeowner loans and blaming them for the mortgage crisis, ACORN has posted their "non-partisan" response:

"Unfortunately, the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans like John McCain have blocked the sensible regulations that ACORN and others proposed that would have averted the mortgage meltdown. If John McCain thinks that community organizers caused the foreclosure crisis, he knows even less about the economy than previously thought.
"John McCain and the Republicans are desperately trying to shift the blame for the economic crisis they caused with a philosophy of deregulation and indifference to homeowners. All the grainy footage and creepy music in the world can't cancel out some simple, basic facts, and the facts about the economy are not on John McCain's side."

Well done ACORN. Have fun in court.

Here's the story about them being actively investigated for voter fraud in OHIO.

Wake up Obama fans. The guy is shady. You look ridiculous following him.

Please go look @ the ACORN website and tell me that links to the DAILYKOS is not a partisan connection.

These organizations are bad for our country!

Signing off


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