Thursday, June 12, 2008

Harry Reid-tard the Tax-Master!!!

Yesterday, in another massive waste of the American people's tax-money and the Senate's time, a Democrat-led bill was rejected as predicted that would cut $17 billion in oil company tax-breaks and impose a windfall tax on the major oil companies' continuing record breaking profits. Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who I have now decided is either completely retarded, or just gets his jollies from pushing go-nowhere legislation, and backing bills that make no sense, was the bill's sponsor. (Harry Reid was the Senator who backed all the Iraq withdrawal timetable legislation last year that everyone knew had less legs than Heather Mills to stand on)
I usually get my political news from the same media outlets as all of you, but I've now decided that I'll just do all my own research before blogging anything about legislation. The NY Times reported on yesterday's vote as if the Republicans are just protecting oil companies interests, and the Democrats are trying to help ease the American peoples' struggle with a national average of $4 a gallon at the pump. Unbiased news is somewhere between unicorns and Kobe Bryant being faithful to his wife, non-existent and borderline comical.
In reality any college sophomore that passed Econ 101, or Macroeconomics as it's better referred to, could explain to you why putting a windfall tax on the oil companies would only make gasoline more expensive and not cheaper. Oil companies explore, find, transport, refine, and provide a commodity that every single American needs on a daily basis. If our Government raises the taxes those companies have to pay, they will have to in turn raise the price of their product to maintain a successful business. Not to mention that the money the government takes will surely be spent on everything but what they intend on spending it on which is alternative fuel research.
My biggest problem with all of this back-n-forth bill proposals and grandstanding testimonies is that the only people losing are us. Not the oil companies, not political leaders, you and me. Oil companies are in the business of making money. If you don't want to buy their product, get a bike, ride the bus, or walk. Until gas reaches a price that's so significant that it forces change nothing will happen.

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