Thursday, April 10, 2008


Pulpit Politics
“A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses”- Proverbs 27:19 Bible
As much as Obama goes to church and relies on his faith in Christianity to lead him on a better path through life, you would think he would have read/heard this passage of the Bible.
I'm sure the name Jeremiah Wright has been pounded into your heads enough the past month, if you pay any attention at all to the news. For those of you who don't here's a clip of Rev. Wright (Obama's "former" spiritual leader and pastor of 20 years).
Yeah, this guy preaches in Chicago at Oprah and Obama's church.
Look, I honestly don't care what this loony toon believes, says, or does, but I do care about the fact that people are sitting there cheering him on. I mean, do people in this country really hate America that much? If so, why are they living here? I'd be more than happy to help them pack and even drive them to the Mexico border. (I wouldn't wish living in Canada on even my worst enemies. Learning French would be a pain in the ass!)
The thing I have the biggest problem with is that Obama claims he never heard these sermons, never saw this side of Rev. Wright, and doesn't condone this kind of hate speech. UMMMMM, sorry Obama, I'm not buying it. I once paid $15 for a Jack n Coke in Hollywood, but I'm not that much of a sucker. Does anyone honestly believe you can know someone intimately for 20 years and not know they hate America?
For those of you thinking about voting for this guy come Novemeber, please keep an open mind to the idea that he's either a liar, or a complete idiot. Do you want either of those in the White House?
I'm a Christian, and I won't lie when i say I would prefer a Christian in the White House. Maybe because I just like the idea that they may hold themselves to a higher moral standard (although looking around politics today I think the "moral standard" is valued somewhere between Bear Sterns stock and an autographed copy of a Kevin Federline album). But, more importantly than a candidate's religious backround, I want a candidate that can stand on his own moral principles and not be teetered over by at every turn by lying and cheating. Give me a candidate I can trust and I'll give you my vote. I do not trust Obama.

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